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Highlighting the current header link in Astro

Highlighting the current header link in Astro

Within this post, I aim to guide you through the steps to effectively highlight the navigation link associated with the current page in Astro. By the end of this article, you’ll have a clear understanding of how to enhance user navigation by ensuring the active page’s link stands out prominently.

Various methods exist, and I will delve into three of them. It’s essential to note that the code examples provided are crafted specifically for Astro Components, with a file extension of .astro.

1. The JavaScript Way

The following code shows you, how to incorporate plain JavaScript within a script tag. This instructs Astro to deliver this code block directly to the browser, allowing it to function in a conventional manner.

// src/components/Header.astro

  <a class="active" href="/">Home</a>
  <a href="/posts">Blog</a>
  <a href="/works">Works</a>
  <a href="/about">About</a>

  const navAnchors = document.querySelectorAll('nav a')

  navAnchors.forEach((anchor) => {
    // remove active class from all anchors

    // remove the first `/` in pathname using slice method
    const currentPath = window.location.pathname.slice('1')

    // we split the href by `/` and get the last item in the array
    const hrefArray = link.href.split('/')
    const thisPath = hrefArray[hrefArray.length - 1]

    // add active class if the currentPath is the same as thisPath
    if (currentPath === thisPath) {

2. The Astro Way

We take advantage of Astro’s Runtime API and get the pathname in Astro components’ component script

// src/components/Header.astro

const pathname = new URL(Astro.request.url).pathname;
const currentPath = pathname.slice(1); // remove the first "/"

  <a class={currentPath === "" ? "active" : ""} href="/">Home</a>
  <a class={currentPath === "portfolio" ? "active" : ""} href="/posts">Blog</a>
  <a class={currentPath === "works" ? "active" : ""} href="/works">Works</a>
  <a class={currentPath === "about" ? "active" : ""} href="/about">About</a>

3. Combining components

// src/components/HeaderLink.astro

import type { HTMLAttributes } from 'astro/types'
type Props = HTMLAttributes<'a'>
const { href, class: className, ...props } = Astro.props

const { pathname } = Astro.url
const isActive = href === pathname || href === pathname.replace(/\/$/, '') //
grep replace the first '/'

<a href={href} class:list={[className, { active: isActive }]} {...props}>
  <slot /> <!-- This is where the content of the component is rendered -->
  a {
    display: inline-block;
    text-decoration: none;

  a.active {
    font-weight: bolder;
    text-decoration: underline;


// src/components/HeaderLink.astro --- import HeaderLink from
'./HeaderLink.astro' // the above component ---

<div class="internal-links">
  <HeaderLink href="/">Home</HeaderLink>
  <HeaderLink href="/posts">Blog</HeaderLink>
  <HeaderLink href="/works">Works</HeaderLink>
  <HeaderLink href="/about">About</HeaderLink>
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